Friday, January 04, 2013

Stressed and tired.

Sorry, I haven't written anything the last few days. Christmas and New Years have somehow been stressful for me (not the kind of stress were you have to do a lot of things... a different kind of stress, but still stressful) and now I'm back at work and just very tired.

And I'm not too happy about my last entry so I want to edit that before I write something new. But I can't motivate myself.

At least I wrote an e-mail to a doctor yesterday and asked for an appointment. The office is closed until Monday, but I hope that I will get an appointment then.

I have to go to the gynaecologist as well, because I got the blood-values another doctor took and a lot of them are a bit too low and he now wants me to go there to check for internal bleeding. I don't want to go. I hate going to gynaecologists. I went there only 3 times in my life, 2 time because of my back-pain and once after someone did something with me I don't want to describe.

I can't really motivate myself for working as well. I write or read half a sentence (if that) or do one out of ten necessary mouse-clicks and then my attention goes somewhere else and until I notice the shift of my attention some time passes on. Then I have to remember what I was doing, catch my attention and try to pass on but the attention flies away so easily.

I don't know why this is the case... of course the pain distracts me very much. But it's not only that. I'm also very tired. And there are so many other things to thing about.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Ich hab das auch manchmal, da steh ich vor normalen Dingen, wie einer Hausarbeit und schaffe es nicht mich zu aufzuraffen. Und je näher der Termin kommt, desto mehr Druck, desto weniger schaffe ich es. Ich fühl mich dann jede mal total überfordert und fänd es einfacher einfach mein Studium zu schmeißen als jetzt diese blöde Arbeit zu schreiben.

    Mir hilft es immer wenn ich mir eine Liste schreibe und abharke, diese hängt immer sehr prominent in meiner Küche. Und wenn ich dann was geschafft habe geht es mir erstmal wieder ein paar Tage richtig gut.

    1. Hi, danke für deinen Kommentar!
      Ja, du hast Recht, Listen sind bei Motivationsproblemen oft eine gute Idee. Dran habe ich gestern gar nicht gedacht.

      (Hatte bei meiner anderen Antwort nicht auf "Reply" gedrückt.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey, I just wanted to say that I can relate to you in so many things! Its always nice to know that there are other people who have problems like I have. I hope that you will feel better (about yourelf) someday. with the best wishes!

    1. Thank you very much for your comment! It's nice to hear that you can relate. (Not so nice that you have to cope with the same problems, though.)
